Steve Jobs talks about life and death
This is Steve Jobs talking to Stanford University graduates about life lessons. It's an inspirational speech and nothing is better as an obituary to his life. You can watch and…
This is Steve Jobs talking to Stanford University graduates about life lessons. It's an inspirational speech and nothing is better as an obituary to his life. You can watch and…
There are 3 different ways to pronounce –ed endings: /d/  /t/ & /ɪd/  The rules about when you use the different –ed endings are below the article. Pronounce -ed…
Lots of people find the listening section the most difficult part of the IELTS exam. In part this is because you only get to listen once to each section of…
Listen to the recording and answer the following questions. If the speaking is too difficult for you to understand, there is a written transcription below the questions. But first, try…
The Big Problem Which do you find easier, reading in English or listening to English? Which do you find easier, listening to another foreigner speak in English or listening to…
Listen and watch as Barney talks about his area of town, interviews a neighbour and shows us something unexpected about both the area and himself.