SGI School Blog – Review of 2011
Thanks for reading our School Blog in 2011 - almost 87,000 views over the last year. We appreciate it every time you visit and we sincerely hope that you enjoy…
Thanks for reading our School Blog in 2011 - almost 87,000 views over the last year. We appreciate it every time you visit and we sincerely hope that you enjoy…
Look out for phrases in bold that you can use when you are saying what could possibly happen in the future. It's New Year's Eve and if you are in…
Look out for the comparatives highlighted in bold. There is a short explanation of comparative forms at the end of the article. As far as I know, most of our…
Look out for different uses of the progressive tense (to be + verb-ing). The different uses will be explained below the text. If you have problems with the vocabulary, please…
Look out for past simple use of the helping verb did throughout the article. Did appears in negative sentences and questions. Yesterday the producer, director and lead actors involved in…
After the earlier comedy video blog this week, here's another one with more opportunity to practise your listening skills (and learn a little bit more about English culture). The video…
Everyone knows that Steve Jobs died last week. But what do you really know about him? All I knew was that he was the spokesman and the CEO of Apple,…
Acronyms are very common in the English-speaking world, and there are different types used – people and company names, medical terms, letter-writing and internet-speak. They are especially common in text-lish…
Look out for time phrases and when you use 'for' and 'since' with them in the article. Below there is an explanation of 'for vs since'. German police have been…
Look out for usage of would + have + past participle in the text and an explanation of unreal situations afterwards. There is also a glossary below to help you…