Imperative Grammar: Be Happy. Learn English!
Imperative grammar is very easy in English. To do a multiple-choice online test on imperative grammar , please click here. When we want to... tell a person what…
Imperative grammar is very easy in English. To do a multiple-choice online test on imperative grammar , please click here. When we want to... tell a person what…
Aren't English prepositions like 'in, on & at' annoying? :) It's sooooo difficult to get them right when you are speaking English. I always say to my students that if…
IELTS teachers are always saying to their students that they should use high level grammar to improve their IELTS band score. So, what do these teachers mean by 'high level…
Here's another English quiz to check you grammar skills. This time it's a future grammar test. There's a table below with forms, examples and uses of all future grammar to…
We use the Future Perfect in English to say that an action or event will be completed/finished by a specific point in the future. Kate Middleton, the…
Finally, the golden boy of English football has retired from playing. But if we use some third conditional sentences, we can imagine a different past and how his life may…
Test your knowledge of Guinness and Beer by reading this post and then test yourself with our quiz. You can also learn some comparatives and superlatives too. English people like…
The English test for beginners is only for elementary level students. Find out how good you are at basic English grammar with this multiple choice quiz. You get your…
Present Perfect v Past Simple grammar issues cause lots of problems for English students. Enjoy the video which has both present perfect and past simple examples. If you need help…
A few present perfect sentences - just for fun! If an alien can learn English grammar, so can you! :) Present Perfect Formula Have / Has + Past Participle Present…